Question: Why do you choose this job?

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  1. I love the outdoors and nature and being able to participate in activities like backpacking, rock climbing, mountain biking, etc. So, with geology and fieldwork, my job gives me the ability to be outdoors doing the things that I love as well as hopefully furthering our understanding of geology and how the natural world works. To me, I couldn’t think of a more perfect fit for myself!


  2. I chose to do geology because pretty much everything about the earth fascinates me. I also like how nothing stays the same for very long, and this presents a challenge as you constantly come across new discoveries and this really excites me.

    I chose to do my PhD on palaeoclimatology (study of past climates), geochemistry and micropalaeontology (study of microfossils) because it combines my love of geochemistry and little fossils. I find them much more interesting than big fossils as they are single celled and have such amazing shapes and just by one simple analysis you can find out so much about what the world was like millions of years ago. And that to me is just really really cool. Everytime I work out a new past sea surface temperature from my data I’m literally like WOW i just found out a temperature from something that no ones ever studied before!


  3. I am passionate about the outdoors. As a kid I used to go out camping, caving, and hiking. I had questions about how mountains formed. I chose this job because it enabled me to understand more about the Earth and it gave me the freedom to conduct research in the topics that I cared about. I also enjoy feeling useful to society and I accomplish this by teaching students about geology and communicating with the general public about natural hazards.


  4. I like games, challenges, and puzzles: science sounded like a good choice for me. Moreover, I am a curious person, I like to ask questions, and look for a satisfying answer myself if nobody around is able to give me one. Why the Ocean and fluid dynamics? I think I have answered here

    What do you like most about Oceans

    I might add that so far I have chosen this job because it allows me to travel a lot and to meet interesting and sometimes really smart people. I love being surrounded by people smarter than me, it gives a lot of positive feelings about the future of man kind 🙂


  5. I was probably born to be a scientist. Since I can remember, I always thought it was cool to be a scientist. Once I got to know that science could be utilised in a variety of different areas, then I decided that it would be my career path. Given that I love learning new things, this career path allows me to do this on a daily basis.

