Question: What is the most exciting thing you have done as a scientist?

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  1. Hi Martina,

    Everyday is exciting and I am able to learn new things and encounter new people. I do not think that I can recall a specific exciting episode, but probably being present in a talk by Stephen Hawking himself was pretty exciting! 🙂


  2. Hi Martina,
    I think being on a research ship, taking measurements surrounded by whales and dolphins in the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean was definitely one of the most exciting/greatest adventures! I had prepared the list of measurements to do at home, and then, once I was there, in the middle of the ocean, where every place looks like the others (everything is blue around you, no land, no references) I went to the Master with my list of coordinates and things to do…and we went in a specific location to measure the currents around some kind of submarine volcanoes ..and they were there! Great! I felt very happy with my job in that occasion, even if it was 4 o’clock in the night, and I was far from home!

    Thinking again about your question, however, I can also say that one of the most exciting things, or maybe most thrilling, is also the time when I had to defend my thesis, at the end of the University studies.
    I had so much adrenaline! I think you have the same when you have some tests or examinations, right? well, imagine after five years of University! It feels soooooo good….afterwards 😉

