Question: What was the most amazing discovery you have made?

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  1. Hi Alex,

    As yet, I consider my research discoveries insignificant next to the discoveries of the top scientists. This pushes me to thrive to do better research every time. Hopefully, if you ask me this question in a few years time, I would have done some work which can improve people’s life and understand more what is happening around us! 🙂


  2. Hi Alex,
    I am afraid I did not personally discover anything particularly exciting for humanity (yet).
    Although thanks to one algorithm that I wrote I have been able to visualize internal waves trajectories travelling in a spherical container (if you know what internal waves are: good!, skip this note, if you don’t know what internal waves are: give a look to my profile, however, in short, they are waves travelling inside a fluid, and not at the surface as the waves we observe at the beach). None did it before!
    You might think it has no great relevance, but if you take a star, for example, you can think about it as a sphere of gas, and waves travelling in this gas are very important for the star dynamics, because they can move energy and matters around.
    So my little discovery is perhaps not that spectacular as the invention of the wheel, or of the antibiotics, and also, there are many aspects of these waves I still do not understand, however, it is very exciting to be the first person to observe one thing.
    And who knows? Maybe some one will find my piece of information useful, and push our knowledge even further, little step by little step.
    Over all, science works like this, and for one spectacular invention or discovery, there are thousands of students like you and me, helping a tiny bit.
    In any case, I like the idea of being part of the game. Do you?


  3. Hi Alex:
    My best discovery has been to find out how rocks they form in the mantle (7 km deep) were brought to the surface of the crust and now lie on mountains in Puerto Rico. These rocks were already discovered but the mechanism for moving to their present location was not studied in detail. My research group used evidence collected from faults and deformation in the rock to suggest a new method in which the rocks were brought to the surface by collisions at the plate boundary of the North American and Caribbean plates. This work is important because it contributes to the understanding of the tectonic history of the Caribbean and North American plates and to the overall theory of plate tectonics. It is one contribution in the jigsaw puzzle that is our understanding of plate movement on Earth.

