Question: Who is the most important person in your life that made you think of becoming a geoscientist?


  1. I’d say it was my eighth grade science teacher, Mr. McDonald, who introduced to me to the outdoors and backpacking/climbing and became a mentor. I also learned a lot from him in the classroom. I really got my first introduction to geology from him.


  2. I think a combination of my science and geography teachers from school, as well as various professors from my undergraduate degree and people I’ve met through my volunteering at the Natural History Museum. They all showed me exactly how exciting science and geology can be, as well showing me what I could aspire to become afterwards.


  3. Most likely my father, that used to work as a bio/geoscientist in a research institute in our city. Although my Physics professor has also probably played a role. And my Philosophy professor too, I guess. However, none of them actually thought me something relevant to my further studies, they just stimulated my curiosity. It has been enough.


  4. My father is doctor that studies the brain in children. I did not want to follow on his footsteps as a doctor, but inadvertently I inherited his curiosity and his love for science. The family trips to the outdoors, mostly organized by my mother, had a great influence because I channelled the curiosity on nature. So I really did not have a geologist that inspired me but parents that did.


  5. I don’t remember any particular person who influenced me to become a scientist. I must say that it was simply my curiosity to learn about the world around me. Having said this, my parents have always helped me a lot, even since I was little, in that they used to buy me books and science apparatus which I used to love!

